
Add product feature icon
Prestashop module allows you to upload an icon to the properties and display it in the product detail.
The module allows you to add a small icon in front of the name in Administration -> Catalog -> Attributes & Features -> Features.
The icon will also be visible in the Features list and can be changed at any time. The recommended icon size is 32x32 px.
Once you save the icon, it will be visible in your e-shop in the product details in the Product details -> Data sheet section.
Module will try to add a hook to your theme and ./themes/your_theme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-details.tpl file when installed.
Since there are many templates on the market and they use their own TPL files, you will need to add the hook manually.
Just find {$feature.name} in your template and insert a hook {hook h='displayFeatureIcon' id_feature=$feature.id_feature} before it.
If you don't know how to do it, just contact me and I'll build a hook for you.