• New
  • 1.7
  • 8.x
  • 9.x
Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page

Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page
  • Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page
  • Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page
  • Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page
  • Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page

Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page

Add product reference SKU, or EAN 13 anywhere on the product page.
Prestashop module creates a custom hook and you can place it in any TPL template displaying product details.
Module also works with combinations and changes the SKU and EAN product references if they are entered.
Module version: 1.2.3
Prestashop version: > 9.x
Translate: EN, CS
Date add: 01/18/2023
Date update: 01/19/2025

* E-mail support + free updates are offered for the module
* If you want to get the module express, I will send the module to you immediately against payment confirmation
* Individual modification of the module is possible after agreement
* One license of the module is valid for 1 e-shop (1 domain)
* Number in cart = number of domains
Contact us for more information
How to pay and download the module?
Licence conditions

In the Prestashop module settings, choose whether you want to display the product reference or the product EAN.

Insert hooks that are visible in the module settings into any template displaying a product detail.

Product reference: {hook h='displayProductSku'}

Product EAN 13: {hook h='displayProductEan'}

The sample is also visible in the image:
